How Does Google SEO Work? Basic SEO Optimization Guide

How Does Google SEO Work - What is SEO - Quick SEO Guide - ASH KNOWS

Last Updated on July 7, 2022

What is SEO?

SEO stands for “Search Engine Optimization”. It is the process of increasing traffic to your website through search engines.

SEO is a marketing discipline which entirely focuses on increasing the visibility of your website through organic (non-paid) search engine results.

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How Does Google SEO Work?

Search engines (Google, Yahoo!, and Bing) show their search results based on authority and relevancy of pages. They crawl millions of web pages daily and include them in their web index. When you type a query in search engines, they try to come up with the best possible answers for you.

Google holds 92.47% shares worldwide and is considered the most popular search engine on the internet today. It is widely used on tablets and mobile devices because of its reliability, simplicity, and ease of use. That is why, when we talk about Search Engine Optimization, we majorly focus on optimizing our content according to Google’s guidelines.

SEO helps in making sure that our website is doing well technically and is accessible to Google without any issue. It also involves providing an excellent user experience and writing high-quality as well as useful content that can provide the best answer to the user’s query.

Why Your Website Needs SEO

There are so many channels available to drive visitors to your websites like social media and many others. But, search engines are known as the primary method of navigation for most of the internet users. They are the roadways for users to land on your website.

If search engines are unable to find your website or the content you are writing, you’ll miss incredible opportunities to drive traffic to your site. Thus, in order to let people know about your products, services, or business, you should try to produce SEO-friendly content.

How Does Google SEO Work - ASH KNOWS

How to Do SEO of a Website

SEO is majorly divided into two major groups:

  1. Onsite SEO
  2. Offsite SEO

The above-mentioned terminologies are used for the SEO practices that are performed on a website and away from a website. Let’s talk a little bit more about them:

1. Onsite SEO

Onsite SEO refers to the set of SEO activities that are performed on a website to increase its visibility organically. Some of the most common onsite activities are:

  • Keyword Research

Finding the right keywords in terms of competition and relevancy to describe your products/services.

  • Technical Stability

Making sure that your website can be crawled and indexed by search engines.

  • Content Structure

Writing Meta tags (Meta title, Meta description, etc.) and making use of H1, H2, H3 headings.

  • User Experience

Ensuring that your website is simple, easy to use, and shows trust & authority.

How Does Google SEO Work - ASH KNOWS

2. Offsite SEO

The activities that are performed outside a website to increase its visibility are termed Offsite SEO. The most common offsite activities include:

  • Marketing

Creating amazing content and then sharing it on different platforms to build recognition for your website.

  • Outreach

Communicating with bloggers, influencers, webmasters, and key journalists to get links for your website.

  • Connection

Writing for other websites, journals, researchers, and publications and providing a link to your website there.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) - ASH KNOWS
Credit – olloweb

Types of SEO

There are four main types of Search Engine Optimization which include:

  1. White Hat SEO
  2. Black Hat SEO
  3. Grey Hat SEO
  4. Negative SEO

Here’s brief information about the above-mentioned types of SEO:

1. White Hat SEO

Practices that are in accordance with the search engine guidelines. It takes longer to see the results because you try to avoid shortcuts and scammy strategies. If you use White Hat SEO techniques, you are less likely to be affected by the search engine updates.


  • Producing useful information
  • Writing SEO-friendly content
  • Promoting your content on different platforms

2. Black Hat SEO

Practices that are totally against search engine guidelines. You may tend to rise faster and gain a short-term advantage by employing Black Hat SEO techniques but the risk of getting banned from search results increases for you. The future updates of search engines badly affect your rankings and the authority of your website.


  • Buying backlinks (links that point to your website)
  • Copying content
  • Keyword stuffing (using a lot of similar keywords for ranking higher)
  • Cloaking (showing different content to users and search engines)

3. Grey Hat SEO

Practices that lie in the middle of White Hat and Black Hat SEO. They are risky but are not specifically against the search engine guidelines.


  • Paid reviews
  • Spun content (slightly altered content)
  • Clickbait (writing content just for getting clicks on a link instead of delivering value)
  • Link exchanges

4. Negative SEO

Practices of using Black Hat and Grey Hat SEO techniques just to harm the reputation of another website. These practices may make room for you to rank higher than your competitors but search engines will ultimately catch you and impose a heavy penalty on you.


  • Building scammy and unnatural links to the competitor’s website
  • Posting negative reviews about your competitors intentionally
  • Stealing your competitor’s content
  • Hacking a site

Alright! This was a detailed answer to how does Google SEO work. Hope you understood the basics of SEO in this article. If you have any queries in mind or if anything is unclear to you, do let me know in the comments. I will be happy to answer your queries.

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Ayesha Khalid
Hey Guys! I am Ayesha aka Ash - a blogger by heart and mind - actually, a self-taught blogger! :D Plus, I am a Professional Content Specialist, SEO Manager, and CS Graduate. I have been successfully providing my services on different freelancing platforms for the last few years. I started my career by writing content for different top-notch blogs and learned a lot with the passage of time. In this journey, I somewhere found my passion for blogging and that's how the idea of this blog came into existence. On this blog, I share all of my learnings, experiences and some tried & tested tips to build a successful career online. I am working for building an empire of my own and wish the same for you all too. I believe in sharing my knowledge with others because it is the kind of investment that gives the best interest as it makes you immortal. Just go where your passion is and never look back. Remember, people start believing the impossible when they see you living it. So, if you can dream it, you surely can do it. Let's learn and work together for turning our dreams into a reality! :)


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