How to Get More Buyer Requests on Fiverr in 2023

How to Get More Buyer Requests on Fiverr 2022 - ASH KNOWS

Last Updated on September 10, 2022

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No buyer request.

Do you see the same message whenever you open the buyer request section on Fiverr? I know it gets very frustrating when you are trying to get orders on Fiverr as a new seller but the buyer request section keeps disappointing you.

Don’t worry! We have a solution to this problem as well.

In this 14th article of the FREE Fiverr Series, we’ll see how to get more buyer requests on Fiverr and solve the “buyer request not showing” issue once and for all.

Let’s begin!

Tips to Get More Buyer Requests on Fiverr

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1. Try to Stay Active on Fiverr

Buyer requests on Fiverr are shown based on your level. If you are a Level 1 or Level 2 seller, you’ll see much more buyer requests as compared to a new seller. This is how the Fiverr algorithm works.

However, it does not mean that new sellers do not get any buyer requests.

Fiverr supports those sellers who stay online most of the time.  New sellers do get some buyer requests at a specific time but those requests disappear once that time period is over.

So, in order to utilize that time period when the buyer requests are shown, you have to stay active on Fiverr. To do so, you can install the Fiverr app on your mobile and keep refreshing the buyer request section after some intervals. I know it’s tiring but as a new seller, you have to put in the effort to get orders.

Buyer Request on Fiverr - ASH KNOWS

2. Note the Time Difference

Fiverr serves buyers from every part of the world so they become active on Fiverr as per their time zone. One of the major reasons for not having any buyer requests can be the time difference between you and the buyers.

So, if you are a seller from an Asian country and you are trying to get buyers from European countries, stay online at night. Your nighttime will be their daytime and you’ll have access to more buyer requests.

3. Make 7 Gigs

All the new sellers on Fiverr can create 7 gigs. So, avail this opportunity and make 7 gigs in different subcategories. When you have multiple gigs on your profile, your buyer requests automatically increase.

4. Create Similar Yet Different Gigs

Yes, in order to get more buyer requests on Fiverr, you’ll have to use this trick. Create 7 gigs in your niche by making some changes in each gig. Like, you can change the title a little bit, the placement of keywords, the gig category, the gig description, and the gig image. In this way, you’ll have 7 different gigs on your profile that will in reality be similar.

5. Choose Different Categories and Subcategories

A lot of new sellers on Fiverr make the mistake of selecting the wrong category and subcategory for their services. This mistake badly affects your gig as well as your profile.

When Fiverr analyzes that there is no correspondence between your gig category and other gig information, it becomes unable to show you the right buyer requests.

Canva - ASH KNOWSSo, the first thing as a new seller on Fiverr is to select the category and the subcategory for your gig very carefully. While you are creating your gig, Fiverr also provides you with suggestions for the categories that go with your service. You can take help from those suggestions as well.

Fiverr Buyer Request Suggessted Category - ASH KNOWS

Secondly, to get more buyer requests on Fiverr, you’ll have to select different subcategories for each gig that you create.

Let’s understand this with the help of an example:

Suppose, you are a content writer on Fiverr and you want to offer articles, blog posts, and website content writing services.

In this case, your main category will be “Writing & Translation” and your subcategory will be “Articles and Blog Posts”.

Fiverr Buyer Request Category - ASH KNOWS

Now, when you are creating a second gig on your profile, you can choose “Writing & Translation” as your main category and “Website Content” as your subcategory.

Fiverr Buyer Request Subcategory - ASH KNOWS

Similarly, for the third gig, you can choose “Writing & Translation” as the main category and “Other” as a subcategory. Selecting the “Other” category will roll down more buyer requests for you.

Fiverr Buyer Request Not Showing Solution - ASH KNOWS

6. Respond Fast to Buyer Requests and Messages

Fiverr also notices how efficiently you respond to buyer requests. If you want to see more buyer requests on Fiverr, try to send proposals to buyer requests as soon as you can.

Utilize the opportunity of sending 10 buyer requests daily when they start showing to you. The more buyer request proposals you send, the more buyer requests you see in the future.

Similarly, improve your Response Time on Fiverr by replying instantly to the messages of buyers.

Fiverr Buyer Request - ASH KNOWS

7. Do Proper Fiverr Gig SEO

Last and the most important point while working on Fiverr is to create gigs that can show on the Fiverr Search Results Page. This is only possible when you focus on Fiverr Gig SEO.

Never leave any part of your Fiverr gig empty. Do proper research before publishing your gig. Fill the gig metadata, use 5 Meta tags, write a professional gig description with keywords, and choose an attractive gig image.

If you want to learn Fiverr Gig SEO in detail, I have written a detailed article on it. Read it here:

Wrap Up

So friends, if you never want to get short of buyer requests on your Fiverr account, here are the main points that you need to implement:

  1. Try to stay online on Fiverr as much as you can.
  2. Keep refreshing the buyer request page to see new requests early.
  3. Create 7 gigs on your Fiverr account.
  4. Choose a different subcategory for each gig that you create. Don’t forget to choose “Other” as a subcategory in one of your gigs.
  5. Focus on Fiverr Gig SEO.

Hope you found this article helpful. If you have any questions, do let me know in the comments. 🙂

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