How to Decide What to Sell on Fiverr

How to Decide What to Sell on Fiverr - ASH KNOWS

Last Updated on September 5, 2022

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Whenever we think about earning some bucks online, the first question that pops up in our mind is what to actually sell. Many people don’t even try the idea of earning online on Fiverr just because they think they don’t have any skills to offer to the world.

On the other hand, there are people who signed up on Fiverr many years ago but never got any sales. This made them believe that online earning is just a fantasy or just not a suitable career choice for them.

If you’ve been in similar situations and looking for honest guidance for working successfully on Fiverr, keep reading this 2nd article of the FREE Fiverr Series.

In this article, we’ll discuss how to figure out what you can sell on Fiverr even when you feel like you don’t have any skills. We’ll also see how to get started off on the right foot to achieve your freelance goals.

The tips I’ll share today are the lessons I’ve learned through first-hand experience and trial & error while working on Fiverr. They are the cornerstones I’ve built my successful freelance business on.

Here we go!

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Sign Up on Fiverr with Realistic Goals

When you sign up on Fiverr without having any plan in mind and start creating gigs randomly, buyers hardly take you seriously. They always look for professional sellers who know their job.

See, freelancing is a business. You cannot jump into it blindly and complain about things later when they don’t go your way.

What to Sell on Fiverr - ASH KNOWS

If you want to be a successful freelancer on Fiverr, you need to make sure you’re not signing up on this platform for all the wrong reasons. Don’t sign up because it’s popular, or you think it’s an easy way of earning money. Don’t sign up because you want instant cash in your account, or you think you’ll have a glamorous lifestyle.

Yes, the rational reasons can be the decision of avoiding the daily commute, having a more balanced life with your family, the desire to be your own boss or creating a part-time earning source for yourself.

Whatever your reason is, it is important to understand your ‘why’.  You should know what you hope to get out of freelancing and what it will take to reach your goals.

Try this: Before signing up on Fiverr, take a pen and paper and write down the answers to the following questions. Be as honest and as realistic as you can while writing the answers.

  • Why am I signing up on Fiverr?
  • What do I want to achieve on this platform?
  • How hard am I willing to work?
  • What skills can I offer on Fiverr?
  • How good am I in working alone?

Once you have clear answers to all the above questions, it will become easy for you to determine your path on Fiverr. You’ll have more realistic goals in mind instead of dreamy freelance expectations.

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How to Figure Out What to Sell on Fiverr

Here are some easy ways to decide what kind of gigs you can sell on Fiverr:

1. Make a List of Your Skills, Passion & Hobbies

I believe we all are talented in one way or the other. We just need to identify and uncover our skills & talents.

Skills don’t just come from professional degrees or jobs. They can be developed at schools or colleges. Your parents, friends, or the internet can teach you some skills. You can also build them through extra-curricular activities.

For example, if you are a university student and you always complete your assignments within strict deadlines, you have good time management skills. If you are a part of a debating club, you have good persuasion and communication skills. If you are a leader of your football team, it shows you have good leadership skills.

Fiverr is a highly diverse marketplace and it is not only restricted to business-oriented services. There are buyers who are always in search of unique and creative gigs.

If you can draw well, you can offer your drawing skills on Fiverr. If you know about cooking, you can set up gigs offering information about meals. Similarly, if you are in the automobile industry, you can create gigs providing consultation services to people who want to purchase a new vehicle. If you can create picture collages or slideshows using different pictures, or write motivational quotes on pictures, you can offer picture editing services on Fiverr. Besides that, if you are doing a particular full-time or part-time job, you can create a gig and offer the exact same service on Fiverr.

You see? There are millions of ideas that you can use to earn money on Fiverr. You just need to identify them.

The best way to discover your skills, passions, and hobbies is to list them down. Note down every little thing you know about or have knowledge of. Making a list of your skills will help you to discover amazing gig ideas that would never ever have happened otherwise.

What to Sell on Fiverr - ASH KNOWS

2. Identify Your Niche

Once you start searching different services on Fiverr, you’ll see Fiverr has categories for a lot of microservices.

For example, if you select the main category Video & Animation, you’ll find different sub-categories like video editing, whiteboard videos, logo animation, etc. When you click on a sub-category, you’ll see other sub-categories for this particular sub-category.

Fiverr has categorized every major service into different sub-categories to make things easy for both buyers and sellers.

While creating a gig, it is always a good approach to narrow down your services to the exact sub-category to which it belongs to. If you just select the main category, the competition will be higher for you. But, if you narrow down your service to the finest level of a sub-category, it will be easier for you to find buyers and make sales on Fiverr.

So, as a seller on Fiverr, your first major task is to find suitable categories and sub-categories for your services.

3. Find out What Others are Selling

A great idea to get started on Fiverr is to see what others are selling. Browse through the Fiverr marketplace to find out the most selling gigs. The best way to do so is to search different services on Fiverr and then sort the gigs by the highest rating. It gives you an idea of what is in demand on Fiverr. You can save some best-selling gigs and use the exact keywords in your own gig. This trick helps you to create a high-converting gig of your own.

4. Solve Buyers Problems

Another way to find out what to sell on Fiverr is to create gigs that solve common problems. Most of the buyers on Fiverr who run their own business or website outsource some areas of their work to save their time. You can assist them in those tasks by creating gigs related to that work.

For example, many businesses outsource their data entry work on Fiverr. There are numerous sellers on Fiverr who are offering data entry services and earning a good income from them.

5. Know Your Value

Most of the sellers on Fiverr sell their services at very low rates. They will offer you 10 “high-quality” articles for just $5. Although it looks tempting to offer discounts or cheap rates so that orders can start rolling in instantly, offering your work for almost free is not something I recommend.

If you don’t value your work, nobody else will. Don’t sell yourself cheap on Fiverr. Know your worth as a seller and set your potential buyer’s expectations that your work cannot be obtained for free.

Yes, you should do research about the rates that other sellers are offering in your niche to get an idea about the market value of your skills. But, don’t compromise on your rates and the quality of work just to attract buyers. When you do so, buyers take your work for granted and never give the appreciation you deserve for your work.

What to Sell on Fiverr - ASH KNOWS

Final Words

Freelancing is not a bed of roses and nothing here comes easy. You should start freelancing because you want to work for something you love rather than run away from something you hate.

Before joining any freelance platform, do proper research and be very clear about the goals you want to achieve. Once you have signed up, set appropriate rates for your services and work hard to build your reputation as an excellent seller.

In the next article, we’ll see how you can register on Fiverr and set up your profile. So, keep reading and keep providing your feedback. 🙂

If you have any queries, write them in the comments.

Download My Free Fiverr Guide Here:

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  1. great journey and great achievements, impressive contents. I am beginner in freelancing learning basic skills in graphic design.

  2. Hii Ayesha I have read your post and I am new to this field and want to start as a data entry operator. I have no idea how to start, so please guide me.
    I also learning how to write blogs

  3. Hello ayesha, I want to start free lancing in data entry, but the problem is that, I do not have any prior experience on working with a professional, as you have mentioned in your article that we must value the service that we provide but with no experience how will i justify the amount that I will be charging

    • You can work with some local clients to get experience. But, if you are sure that you can provide great service even if you don’t have any experience, create your gigs and start offering your service on Fiverr. It’s not necessary to have experience before you start selling your service on Fiverr.


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